- Attempt to take some artsy fartsy photograph and post it on my blog
- Put a U.F.O. in my hair (hemp's currently in. Debating about changing it to glitter strands.... opinions?)
- Bike at least 3 days a week (if it would quit raining....)
- Never stay on the computer for more than an hour each day
- Don't become a hermit
- Learn how to work the sewing machine and make something
- Cut my hair
- Put a crazy color in it (purple, pink, blue.... NOT red)
- Have a mohawk for at least a day
- Make a drive in movie
- Make R.S.G. return
- Get henna
- Finish at least 60-80 hours of my internship
- Hang up records and pictures in my room
- Deep clean my bedroom....
- Watch the sunset and/or sunrise
- Go to Mexico to build an orphanage
- Read/listen to the entire Book of Mormon
- Make people laugh
- Have fun

Yes, this really happened
1 comment:
only you would have something so amazing!
can't wait to see you!
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