Dear Aubrey,
All of these people in your blog look very cool and fun, I just wish I knew who they all were.
Curious Friend
Dear Curious,
You do have a right to know what is going on here. So, hope you enjoy!
This is Jessica Stevenson. We go everywhere together whether it's California or EFY!

This is McKayla. We've been friends since kindergarten. Her Dad was our principal. We just love doing random stuff. Going to the mall or well.... having photo shoots.....

This is Rachel Chow. She's super funny and she's the only person who has taken me to a China Market.

Unilke Dani and Catie, Kristen is the shortest. It's all good, we still love her

This Lauren. She's way funny and too random for her own good. Her Dad just got back from Iraq, so that's pretty tight.

This is Shelbie. We caught eachothers eye, and have been best friends since. This is J.C. Her name is Jewell Charlotte. She's way funny.
This is Claire. I don't have a picture of her smiling, so you'll have to live. That shows how crazy she is.
This is Catie. Pretty sure she's my tallest friend at 5' 10". And funniest.
This Kristen Blair. She has cool hair. And she's really funny. And she's an amazing actor when she's Lil' Red.
This is Kate. We share a love for the Beatles, and love stories >
This is Nicole. We share a love for graphing calculators, Swedish fish (from Norwegia), and being random.

This is Riley. He's super funny and always finds ways to make me laugh. He's an avid soccor player, and was the wolf with Kristen.
heyy sorry! i am not goning to go private! i realized if i did then Kat Dave and Erika couldn't look at it so sorry D:
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